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Becoming the best version of yourself

Logan Vadivel

Logan Vadivel

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Do you know that a lot of people pace through life without a distinct sense of purpose or direction? They live their life on a day-to-day basis without really knowing what they want to accomplish, where they want to be, and what help they need to achieve their goals.

The worst these people can do to themselves is to live their life without direction. It’s just like putting their life on autopilot. They don’t follow a path but keep rolling towards an unknown direction.

If you want to be the best version of yourself, you need to comprehend the importance of having a goal. It does not necessarily need to be a humongous one. What it should do is give you the push towards your purpose and having a right direction will lead you to discover who you truly are.


You are not the only one who feels lost or disoriented. The reason you’re distracted is because you have not found your true purpose in life. Nothing else will matter in life if you don’t pay attention to your inner calling. Once you respond to it, everything else will fall in place. Here are some tips that can help you live your life with a purpose.

  1. Understand Your Purpose In Life.

Do what truly matters to you and align it with your beliefs and values. Only you know what they are. When you don’t do what you love, life becomes hazy and colorless. You are bored, tired, and busy simultaneously. You can’t fix things when you are consistently ignoring your inner call, but when you respond to your inner call things start getting easier and alive.

  1. Search Your Inside For Answers.

Don’t search your outside, the answer is inside you. Respond to your inner call because you are what you were born to be. Deep within, you know what makes you alive. If you aren’t sure what your answer is, keep asking yourself the question, and listen to your inner responses.

  1. Trust Your Intuition.

We are all naturally intuitive, long before life teaches us right and wrong. Honestly, there is no right or wrong way of life. You need to trust your intuition and forget what others think about you. Don’t forget, confidence and self-belief are the keys to success. Decide what’s better for you and consciously work on building yourself around it.

  1. Respond To Your Fears And Take The First Step Anyway.

If you wake up unexcited about life, rethink your priorities. With the right practice, you will be there no matter how long it takes. It can be scary because we cling to things that feel safe and comfortable. Don’t let the fear of the unknown rule you, instead take the first step anyway. Your first step will not thrust you to success, but ultimately, you will be there.

  1. Rethink Your Priorities.

Time is precious; you should know where you spend it. If you don’t decide what matters to you, you will end up doing things that won’t take you anywhere. Mark your goals, identify the necessary actions, and schedule them regularly. Set short, mid and long-term milestones, and analyze your progress.

  1. Check Yourself Regularly.

Regularly ask yourself what is important for you. Most of the time, we occupy ourselves with things that push us further away from doing what we love. Keep tapping your inner self. Ignore the outside world, and don’t pay attention to what they have to say. Before you make more decisions, ask yourself if they are worthy, do they make you happy and excited. If you don’t, you’ll keep drawing into older patterns.

  1. You Have All That It Takes To Soar.

Initially, it will feel difficult, but you will get used to your self-confidence. Either you deny your existence or put your heart and soul into doing what you have always loved. If you trust your abilities, things will eventually work out. You will become what you want to be only when you realize who you are.

Your purpose in life is not something gifted to you by birth; rather it is something you have to strive for. You got through the ebbs and flows, trying and experimenting on the way. Out of 100 different things you try, there will merely be one that is going to be right for you. This will be the one that strikes the chords of your heart, giving you a distinctive vision of what you want to achieve, and what will make you satisfied. Once your vision is clear, it is easier for you to make the choices accordingly.

The next obstacle you may face is about achieving your purpose. The simple answer to this is by setting goals that are close to your purpose.

Your goals can be short, mid or long-term. It depends on you which one you prefer to choose for yourself. An important point to remember is that the goals which you have set need to resonate with your ambition and purpose. You need to follow your heart, and keep your dreams in mind.

When deciding upon a goal, be specific and keep the 5 W’s in front of you.

  1. WHAT is your goal?
  2. WHO can help you achieve your goal?
  3. WHEN do you want to achieve your goal?
  4. WHERE will your goal lead you to?
  5. WHY is this goal important?

The extension after these 5 W’s can vary depending on the situation you are in, but these can surely clear up your confusions and bring you closer to success.


Setting goals allow you to retain focus on long-term goals.

By setting goals, we create smaller milestones and proceed gradually towards them. This way, their enormity won’t become overwhelming and the smaller milestones will enable you to track the progress easily.

Goal setting also facilitates you to wriggle out of your comfort zone because changes never transpire there. If you insist on dwelling inside your easy lifestyle without aiming or dreaming big, you’ll simply stagnate. Setting goals ultimately shifts positive attention towards the larger interests. As the good old saying goes, energy flows where the attention goes.

Goals are important. They motivate you to work when you are tired, sleepy, or sluggish. They should align with your dreams, with what you want, and not what others have proposed for you. You may come across many unsatisfied people in life because they are using their time and energy to live other’s dreams. They are moving in a direction which does not align with their core interests.

This can be applied to broader aspects too. For example, the college you wanted to attend, people you wanted to befriend, the sport you desired to play, the food you wanted to eat, etc. Once you start responding to your heart calls and the directions it gives you, you will discover the true essence of yourself. The aforementioned things may seem petty and insignificant, but remember that these small things can put you on or off the right path.

As mentioned earlier, when you search for the answer to the 5W’s you will come across various answers but they need to:

The journey to self-discovery begins when you become fully aware of all these dimensions and commit to mastering these with your best capabilities. Once you excel these 4 dimensions, you will become the best version of yourself, and also help others with their goals.

One major drawback is that people settle with the circumstances they are born into, and never think of striving for betterment. Remember, being the best version of yourself is not easy; you have to work for it day in and day out. With such enormous dedication come desired results.

How To Become The Best Version Of Yourself?

In your journey to attain betterment, keep the following steps in practice as they can assist your pace.

  1. Observe Gratitude.

Materialism has taken the best out of us. A quagmire that doesn’t let goodness evolve. The only light across the tunnel is gratitude. Appreciate whatever you have without always looking out for new things which can assumingly make you happy. It is not about minimizing your needs, but being happy with what you have. The absence of certain physical or material things will not make a difference in your life. Gratitude will allow you to focus on what you have, not what you lack.

Gratitude is a very powerful emotion that makes you happy; it is also a personality trait. Some people around you are more inclined to be grateful as a daily ritual. You would be surprised to know that positive traits like gratitude have the power to induce good health and spiritual wellness.

To practice gratitude, you can practice small things. Like noting everything that makes you happy. If you practice gratitude, you will acknowledge the goodness around and within you. You will feel more positive emotions, take pleasure in good experiences, show visible signs of better health, and have an increased ability to survive adversities. Ultimately, you’ll become a better version of yourself.

You are not just the guardian of your happiness and betterment. You are also charged with bestowing the same blessings on fellow humans and creatures. Make this world a better place for yourself and everyone around you. Once you practice gratitude concerning your surroundings, you will begin to protect and cherish it as well.

  1. Practice Compassion.

You have an amazing heart and you can choose to be compassionate. Showing compassion is a sign of strength. Once you start listening to other people, you begin to understand them, and ultimately understand yourself.

Everyone is born unique, but we encounter similar struggles through life. A lot of people do not consider giving back to the society that helped them thrive. Giving back does not necessarily mean monetary donations. It is never about the money. You can choose to be a giver of happiness, joy, positivity, etc. Sometimes, rendering a piece of good advice for a person in trouble can be a life-changing instance. Even a simple smile can improve someone’s day!

You also might have come across many people who say that giving whatever they can enriches their fulfillment. This is true because you realize that what you gave has changed things better for someone. We are not here on this planet to focus merely on ourselves. By practicing compassion, you can become a better version of yourself.

  1. Enjoy Your Journey.

When you are working for something, consider it as a game. We all play different games in life and success is not guaranteed to anyone. Mistakes are inevitable. Also, there is no loss, in the end, it’s either you attain success or you learn from your experience. You need to change your perspective about life this way. You are living life as a way to improve your learning, not just to win. Many are just winners because they gain no knowledge from their experience.

Don’t compare your experiences with others, or measure your success based on theirs. Your main competitor is you. You compete against yourself by being better every single day. When you wake up, ask yourself how you can improve your today than yesterday. What steps you can undertake to be a better person? How to get closer to the goal? Don’t overthink the progress that you make. Rome was not built in a day after all. Gradual and consistent progress is better than rapid and inconsistent growth.

  1. Keep Smiling Daily.

Smile for yourself and other people around you. It reduces pain significantly. Scientifically speaking, a smile releases endorphins that are effective pain relievers. Smiling also creates a positive attitude. Just when you are feeling down and demotivated, a smile can cheer you up. You don’t need any specific reason to smile, because your grateful nature will compel you to be happy at even the minutest things around you.

If someone around you is not in their spirits, you can approach them with a big smile. Be certain that your act will liven them up. Small deeds of kindness go a long way, and all of us need such gestures to get going in life.

  1. Play To Learn Not Just To Win.

When you condition your mind to play to learn, you are a winner irrespective of your failures and mistakes. With this growth mindset, you will never feel demotivated, and accept your experiences as learning. Eventually, you will start getting better.

Hence, becoming the best version of you is not a destination, rather, it is a journey. A journey where you will discover yourself and others. A journey where you will understand who you are, and what makes you so special. Journeys are meant to be enjoyed and this is your goal. Through this journey, you will see the colors of life, different perspectives, and things will become clearer. Your intellectual capacity will also improve. Enjoy your journey and be the best version of yourself.

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