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Secrets of the mind

Logan Vadivel

Logan Vadivel

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Your mind is the most powerful tool you have, unfortunately many underestimate its potential. It can help you achieve everything you want or it can hamper your way towards success. Which of these two will prevail depends solely on you and no one else. Instead of your mind controlling you, it should be the other way around. You ought to control your mind towards what you want and what you need. This is called the power of mindset.

If you are still wondering about the power of mindset, let me make it easier for you to comprehend. The standard outlook of a person or his mental state is defined as his mindset. At times, this mindset spreads from a person to a group of people, hereby extending to whole communities, inspiring nations further down the line. Its vitality cannot be linked only to learning new life skills, but the mindset has the power to shape everything in life. You need to have trust in yourself and your capabilities to achieve or overcome all the negative voices in your head.


There are two types of mindset. A growth mindset or positive mindset that makes you believe that your hard work and commitment can shape your life. Whereas the fixed mindset or negative mindset hampers all chances to improve and develop, strengthening the notion that these traits are inborn and cannot be acquired.

Now that the basic concepts have been cleared, you need to know that most people don’t succeed in life, not because of any external factors but because they don’t allow their mindset to allow them to prosper and bloom.

When we talk about mind limitations or fixed mindset we are not considering any mental disease or illness. Rather it is a limitation set on the person by himself. These limitations are generally about success, dreams, goals, and desires, etc.

Many of the deterrents that people experience mentally come from an early age. People are taught and trained to not think outside the box and stick to a certain perspective on life. They don’t go beyond this mindset. With this kind of mindset, no room is left for bigger goals. There is no room for imagination or higher ambitions.

The poor conditioning of the mind and huge baggage from the past plays a critical role in the way people think. They seriously need to recondition their minds to create positive thoughts that lead to positive outcomes. This can only be achieved if you shift your mindset, unlearn the limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and learn to create a beautiful mind.

You need to understand and practice positive thinking and start adopting a positive attitude. Everyone is well aware of it, but do people know how to put it to use?


After grasping the different aspects, the biggest challenge you will face is shifting your gears from a negative or fixed mindset to a positive or growth mindset. Practice positive self-talk; the way you speak to yourself heals or shatters your inner self. Shove out all negative feelings; there’s no place for them inside you. Focus on just the positive and get rid of everything else.

When you start to think positively, every situation which you encounter, no matter how hard it is, will become much easier. Thinking positively about your future goals will help you come closer to them. Instead of being complacent with life, you should aim to attain a better version of your life.


The outcomes of a positive mindset can be astonishing. You can enhance your skills, improve your health, and deal with tougher situations easily. According to some life coaches, a positive mindset can increase your lifespan, reduce depression and anxiety, improve your physical and mental well-being, and help you achieve your deepest desires.

The human mind is formed from two parts; the ego-based mind and the divine mind. The ego-based mind can be used to set up goals and short or long-term planning etc. you are supposed to use this part of your mind only when you need it. After it has been used, you need to turn it off and put your divine mind to use. But unfortunately, people use their ego-based mind more than it is needed, and the divine mind has lost its purpose.

The problem with using the ego-based mind more often is it leads to overthinking, over planning, staying stuck in the past, and not being able to practice mindfulness. To think and plan for the future is good, but when you do it more often than it is needed; it becomes more of a nuisance. Over-thinkers find problems in every solution, they tend to see everything from their fixed mindset which leads to negativity. This attitude hampers their true potential.

Contrary to the fixed mindset, people who have a growth mindset focus on positive thoughts. They tend to have a higher probability of success. For example, instead of thinking that you couldn’t bag a particular job because there were too many candidates contending for the same post, you can think that the presence of many applicants will make it easier for the hiring authority to choose you because of your skills and expertise. It is all about the perspective, be it negative or positive. In other words, your mindset will render a positive or negative meaning to every situation in your life depending on you.

As Marcus Aurelius said, “The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.”


If you want to reap maximum benefits from your life you should know how to improve your mindset. Here are a few suggestions.

  1. Mediation.

You can choose to meditate to clear your mind from all the negative thoughts. It can strengthen your awareness and improve your well-being. It is proven that meditation can increase the psychological state of mind and manifest positive events in your life.

  1. Raise Your Vibration; Use The Law Of Attraction To Get What You Want In Life.

As Elbert Einstein has put forward that everything in this universe is energy; moving and vibrating constantly. Every thought is vibrating, generating signals and attracting a corresponding signal back. This is called the law of attraction. These vibrations are consistent, given, and picked by people simultaneously. The universe has its way of giving back whatever you are vibrating or generating. Be careful of what you’re giving off; appreciating and loving whatever you see.

  1. Surround Yourself with Positive People; Leave Toxic Relationships for Good.

Since you become like those with whom you spend the most time it’s sensible to spend it with people who follow the same mindset as you, be they friends, relatives, colleagues, or family members.

Bid farewell to toxic relationships. They have the power to pull you into their pits by manipulating your self-esteem. They occupy your emotions by playing the needy person’s role or by being a narcissist. You have had enough and now you need to escape from them because your life is calling on you.

  1. Take A Stand For Yourself With Confidence And A Go-Getter Attitude.

Standing up for you isn’t easy but it will get easier over time. Confidence doesn’t come naturally; you have to strive for it. The more you practice the more you’ll excel at it. Be confident in your life, take full responsibility for your decisions, and make every effort for the go-getter attribute; someone who is not afraid to aspire and work for it. All the high achievers have this similar trait. You have full right to validate your voice and convey the strength of your worth.

  1. Accept Your Imperfections.

Everyone is born unique. No one is perfect; there are many flaws in our personalities. The best way to move ahead in life is to acknowledge the fact that we all are mere mortals and cannot achieve perfection in this life. No matter how hard we try.

  1. Take Challenges As Opportunities.

In trying times you are open to two options, fight or flight. Instead of adopting the safer route, choose the latter, because that is how people with a growth mindset proceed.

  1. Stop Seeking Everyone’s Approval.

You can’t please everyone all the time. Even if you’d move heaven and earth to make the world peaches, there’ll still be someone who hates them. So stop making efforts trying to seek everyone’s approval.

  1. Emphasize The Journey Instead Of Focusing On Winning.

This one is a lifesaver. Give importance to your journey. On your way to the top, don’t forget the meaningful journey.

  1. Have A Solid Sense Of Purpose.

Don’t ever think that out of the 7.9 billion, you are worthless. No, you are worthy. Figure out your purpose in life. Unless you don’t discover your grounds you won’t be able to cultivate a purposeful existence for yourself.

  1. Power Of Affirmations.

Affirmations play a critical role in improving your mind and achieving success. Affirmations are positive sentences that you say to yourself and can help you overcome negative or limiting thoughts. You need to be cautious with the kind of thoughts that enter your subconscious mind. They have the power to make or break your future vision.

As mentioned earlier, you are responsible for the thoughts that enter your mind, and how you allow them to impact you.

Words or thoughts that are repeated often cling to your subconscious mind which works with what we feed it. The mind works to align with them with a reality that has the power to shape the future. You will then start believing it, so you need to be vigilant about what you think and how you think.

Affirmations are easy to use and are the simplest form of positive self-talk. Here are a few affirmations that you can use to change your belief system and alter your negative thought pattern.

  • I am divinely guided and protected.
  • I am grateful for all that I have.
  • I am complete in all aspects.
  • Today is the happiest day of life.
  1. Get Inspired.

Inspiration is an important factor for the mind. When you see successful people you should not be jealous, but derive inspiration from them. Learn from their ups and downs and their success. If you tell yourself that you too can succeed then nothing becomes impossible in life. Getting to know the achievement stories of successful people and listening to how they attained it will teach you many things. These lessons can surely be applied to your life as well.

  1. Fight Stress.

Stress can come from work, kids, marriage, or just a rough day. It is however important to remember that you need not dwell on stressful moments, rather choose to grow through them. Find some time for yourself, in the form of a hobby where you can unwind and get it out of yourself. Sometimes your “me-time” can just do wonders for your mindset.

With a great mind comes great possibilities. The good thing is that we all have great minds, and we are capable of achieving great things. It is on you to follow the steps mentioned above to achieve the things that you want.

As Napoleon Hill said,” Everything that the mind can believe and conceive, the mind can achieve.”

Remember, negative thoughts will not bring any good to your life whereas a positive mindset and positive thoughts can make your dreams come true.

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