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Energy and Meditation

Logan Vadivel

Logan Vadivel

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Everything in this universe is composed of tiny packets of energy called photons. Even the human body is composed of energy. This energy is the foundation of all matter, which is exchanged with everything else. The same energy which composes one person composes all people. This energy is never constant; it is flowing and always changing.

Just like billions before you, your spiritual or non physical part of being is connected to the universe; human beings are capable of sending and receiving energy from the universe which can help you to achieve amazing things in life. In other words, there is a connection between your physical existence and the universe’s energy. When you can align your existence with this energy, is when you will be able to manifest your imagination.

That is to say, if you visualize being successful when your energy and physical existence are synchronized; your dream to succeed will ultimately come true. The sooner you realize that there is something greater out there in the universe waiting for you, to guide you, the better.

Your spiritual body contains energy and that energy is later transmitted to your mental body. If your spiritual body is balanced, then the energy you receive will manifest everything you need in life. If your spiritual body is unbalanced, you would not be able to receive the right amount of energy.

As life moves on, people tend to focus on diverse things in different stages of their life. Some focus on income, while for some their focal attraction is their and some prefer to give attention to their business. There is no harm in setting such priorities, but what needs to be the main focus is the purpose of life, which should revolve around what you dream about. When you forget your desires, and your purpose in life, you lose the chance to balance your energy with the universe and achieve things that you yearn for, which is very crucial.

This is why one of the first steps in having a balanced connection with the universe is to have a clear vision about what your dreams/goals are in life. Trying to follow your desires and socially striving to achieve them are two different situations. When you have set a goal for yourself, and you live for it day after day, thinking about it, focusing on it, taking necessary steps to achieve it, making the plans, then only will the universe connect with your spiritual body and help you in realizing your goal.

If you want to succeed, as bad as you want to breathe, then you’re on the right path to be successful. The energy in your body will work only when you give it the needed fuel; a clear set goal with no compromise on it.

When someone has an unbalanced spiritual body, there are visible signs denoting trouble. For these people their fixed mindset compels them to believe that fate is the only key for the future. For them, everyone is destined for a certain path that cannot be altered, and humans are not capable of achieving great success if it is not written in their fate. These are all excuses that the unsuccessful come up with. They should be held responsible for this mindset along with the society they dwell in.

Every individual is capable of achieving great things in life which he has set his mind for. There is no other way but to have a growth mindset that will compel you to plunge forward with the go-getter attitude. As mentioned earlier, true success comes when every atom of your body is focused in just one direction only.

You can consider the example of a sportsman. Can you imagine him spending his time in any other activity besides his sport? Can he indulge in things other than excelling at his favorite sport? For him, his energy is devoted completely towards achieving tremendous success. His life every day is focused on the accomplishment of his goal. His energy is connected to the universe because he has set his body, mind, emotion and energy towards a definite path and he is not giving up.

When someone has a balanced spiritual body, they are relentless, fearless, focused, and see the world without limits, as they are ready to conquer the whole universe. They are willing to overcome every obstacle that comes their way. For them, there is no looking back, no ifs and buts. There is a goal ahead of them along with a deep-rooted desire to achieve it.


You might be wondering about a balanced and unbalanced spiritual body. The main question is, how can you balance your spiritual body? The answer is quite simple; through meditation. Meditation is nothing new. It has been around since the inception of mankind in many different forms. Although there is no certain way to meditate, it is vital to find a practice that can meet your requirements, and also complement your personality.

There are many types of meditation practices. Allow me to shed some light on a few of them, which can assist you in helping you balance your energy.

  1. Mindfulness Meditation.

Mindfulness is an English term that is translated from an ancient Indian term satiwhich originated in the Pali language. This is the same language in which many ancient Buddhist texts were written.

Mindfulness means being aware, maintaining moment-to-moment awareness of your thoughts, feelings, body, and your environment through a lens that no one else can see. Attention, alertness, or Vipassana means an insight cultivated by meditation. When you practice mindfulness, your thoughts are more in tune with your present moment instead of focusing on the past or future.

Mindfulness meditation is a type of meditation that can help you to calm down or slow down the huge amount of thoughts that bombard your mind. It can help you remove negativity, and help you maintain focus on the current moment. This simply means accepting everything that is going on around you.

When you practice mindfulness meditation, you should fully concentrate on the meditation and not just thinking about the past or the future. Just stay in the present moment and follow the feelings, patterns, and emotions in your body.

How To Do It?

All you need is a tranquil space. Sit down on a couch, chair, or floor. Focus on your breathing pattern and enjoy the present moment. Make sure to turn off all devices and sound that could startle you. Please be aware that everything in life takes time and practice, therefore don’t be too hard on yourself if too many thoughts come into your mind while meditating or attempting to meditate. It is a normal process that improves over time.

Benefits Of Mindfulness Meditation.

With the help of mindfulness meditation, you can increase your ability to normalize your intense emotions. This practice can also help you fight anxiety, stress, and depression. It will sharpen your attention, and also allow you to observe your actions and emotions without being judgmental.

  1. Movement Meditation.

Movement meditation or Mahasati meditation was initially developed by Thai Buddhist reformer Luangpor Teean. This type of meditation is perfect when you are feeling active. As you can comprehend, this meditation consists of a wide range of movements like yoga, running, walking, tai chi, etc. It includes a wide range of techniques, and any of them can be performed as meditation if you apply it properly.

By doing the movement meditation, you can achieve two goals.

  1. To understand your body, and acknowledge its parts.
  2. Calm your mind.

While doing the movement meditation, you need to see how your body parts are moving and keep your mind focused on your body. This type of meditation is recommended for people who have trouble sitting still for any amount of time, as this one will keep them on their toes.

Benefits Of Movement Meditation.

This type of meditation will reduce your stress levels along with a reduction in physical pain and also boost your immunity. Since it is all about moving physically, you will notice a drop in your blood pressure. You will feel mentally relieved; have a sound sleep and also an increased level of concentration.

  1. Focused Meditation.

This type of meditation helps your ability to focus on a certain thing for a particular period. You do this intently as a means to staying in the present moment and slowing down your inner thoughts. It is also called concentrative meditation where you can focus on something; be it internal or external. In the beginning, it will be hard to concentrate on a single thing but practice will make it easier.

Benefits Of Focused Meditation.

One major benefit of this type of meditation is your attention and focus will sharpen over time. Your mind will become more alert. This practice is highly recommended for people who lack focus in their lives.

  1. Mantra Meditation.

This form of mediation is believed to be at least 3500 years old. Simply put forward, the word Aum” serves as a mantra. This type of meditation is used in Hindu and Buddhist traditions. The approach is fairly simple, as it employs the use of phrases or mantras to promote attention and intention.

How To Do It?

You need to find a comfortable place for yourself where you can sit and relax your mind and body. Set a clock timer of how many minutes you want to meditate. Take a deep breath and continue to breathe slowly and steadily. Start repeating your mantra; it can be the word Aum, or I am happy, etc.

It is suggested that you repeat your mantra loud and clear because, this way, it will serve the purpose of self-affirmations as well. Your mantras will produce more vibrations, but even if you choose to do it quietly, it would not do any harm. While you are repeating your mantras, try to keep your mind relaxed and calm. If any thoughts try to disrupt your attention, let them out of your mind, and return to complete emptiness.

Benefits Of Mantra Meditation.

When you choose this form of meditation you will notice increased self-awareness and self-compassion. Your outlook on life will take a positive turn, inducing calm and tranquility. This will help reduce your anxiety and stress as well.

  1. Visualization Meditation.

Visualization meditation is a mindfulness technique that can help you to achieve calm, serenity, joy and your goals. This type of meditation with guided imagery originates in ancient Greece and has the power to teach and heal simultaneously. It can allow your mind to influence its control over the body.

Remember that the first step towards achieving your goals is to visualize them. Hence, this meditation is perfect for high aiming goals. It is the creative visualization that generates visual mental imagery, with open or closed eyes simulating the visual perception.

The difference between normal and visualization meditation is that visualization meditation is active; it keeps the mind busy with positive affirmations and positive images. The key aspect in this type of meditation is that you need to visualize your goals, yourself in a perfect state of harmony or just a beautiful image or yourself that makes you calm and happy.

  1. Spiritual Meditation.

This type of meditation will help you discover who you truly are. It helps you realize your purpose and how to achieve it, as well as how to be a true version of yourself.

How To Do It?

There’s no one way to practice spiritual meditation. Below is just one of the many methods:

As with all types of meditation, you need to find a comfortable place where nobody bothers you.

Start by becoming aware of your surroundings, what is going on around you, where you are etc.

Close your eyes and follow what is going on around you with your senses. Is there any noise? How do you feel in your current position? What can you smell or feel?

Focus on your breathing and feel every breath while inhaling and exhaling. Feel how you get more and more relaxed with every breath you take. Imagine breathing as a force that makes you more sensitive, more focused, and calmer. You will feel the energy flowing in your body and your mind.

Benefits Of Spiritual Meditation.

It can help you reduce stress, boost your immune system, get rid of negative thoughts, do an honest self-reflection, as well as find true meaning in your life.

When Should You Meditate?

Some experts consider the hours before sunrise as the prime time to meditate but the truth is to meditate when you can or when you feel the need to. There is no rule for your mind and body to follow, rather than the ones for you set.

How Would I Know If I Am Meditating Correctly?

The first pointer towards meditating correctly is to check your own body.

  • You will feel more present in yourself.
  • Correct meditation is about having zero thoughts.
  • You will become more self-aware.
  • During meditation, time will fly quickly.

Energy is a vital part of your success and it should not be ignored. Many realize it way too late. The reason for this blog is to help you avoid being late to the party and to help you take charge of your life by discovering a direction where you want to achieve your goals.

A lot of people die every day, but there are not a lot of people who truly live. Remember this the next time you decide against your wishes and desires. Remember that only you can make yourself better and everything in life is possible with perfect harmony between the body, mind, emotion and energy.

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