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Importance of loving what you do and doing what you love

Logan Vadivel

Logan Vadivel

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“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

– Confucius

For most people around us, their utmost dependence is on the jobs they do. This is the case with the majority and they are okay with their circumstances. Working a 9 to 5 is a viable option to meet their expenses. Waking up every morning and doing the same stuff for the whole week routinely; they function on autopilot, like driving a car; switching gears only when needed and continuing driving the car.

The basic question we all face about the daily jobs is whether we go to work because we love doing it or because we have to do it?

This is a hard nut to crack, and honestly speaking, most of us will avoid answering it, rest aside giving a sincere answer. In our opinion, every one of us should love the jobs we do and strive towards betterment. There are many reasons to support this statement and why this is of utmost importance.

When you love your job, you wake up every morning excited to go to work doing things that you love to do.

If we ask, how many of you are experiencing this? Assumingly, a minority would agree because we tend to downgrade our desires and many times even forget about them. Every job in this world is precious especially during the pandemic; we cannot minimize the importance of any workplace or job.

What needs to be remembered is we need to chase our dreams, not settle for anything lesser and not forget about them as well.

When you are working the job of your life, you feel positive and encouraged. Mental health experts claim that a positive mindset brings success. When you feel positive about a particular thing you will always deliver positive results.

People ask themselves why they are not successful in their respective jobs. Maybe the answer is negativity that they bring with themselves to the workplace. That negativity is connected to whether they are loving their job or not.

Do you feel motivated to do the small things or do they make you irritated?

How many times have you been through this? When you love what you do, every minute detail about your work will be a wholesome experience. You will find the energy to do everyday work and possibly overachieve what you normally do. The main reason people are successful at their jobs is that they do things with love and with energy.

What should you choose; passion or money?

So many people face difficulties when they have to choose their dream job. The main question that arises is whether they should follow their dreams and give them a try, or try the one that meets their expenses.

The answer to this question is nearly impossible. Why – you may ask? The answers are subjective and depend exclusively on every person’s situation.

For a person who barely pushes through the month with the limited funds they have, and also a family depending on them, it would be bad to recommend this person to quit their job and follow their passions.

On the other hand, there are people with high paying jobs, yet they are unsatisfied with them.
The point here, you need to look at individual circumstances and make a decision. Always have something to latch on to in case you fall back; A PLAN B so to say.

Advantages of doing the work you love to do

When you love your work and also enjoy doing it, not only will you feel great but you will also serve as an example that it can be achieved. Many will choose to decide against their will because they think it isn’t possible, or it takes so much time to achieve or it isn’t worth trying.

Nothing worthy in life comes easy, we have already established that. Time will pass anyway, so why not spend your life chasing your dream and serve as a positive example to others too.

Should children be given the liberty to choose their professions?

We strongly believe that when it comes to teaching kids about professions, we should let them decide what they want to be when they grow and fully support their decision. Many parents, even before the birth of their children, predetermine where they want to see them in life. A doctor, a scientist, a firefighter, etc and they keep pushing them to pursue the dreams they have seen.

Later on, we are surprised as to why our children are unhappy with their lives, unsatisfied with their jobs. They are filled with aggression, resentment, and negative emotions. By the time they transition into adulthood, things are hard to change. They have been groomed for a particular job and they have to continue doing it.

No matter what decision your children take in terms of their future employment (as long as it’s a lawful profession), we should be their strongest support system and push them to achieve it.
You’ll be surprised to know how happy and successful those kids who have supportive parents are. They accomplish great things even at a younger age. If your child wants to be the class president or the country’s president, don’t tell them it isn’t attainable. Rather work with them and help them to achieve their dream.

Don’t doubt your dreams

When it comes to doing what you love, the number one obstacle is thinking about other people’s opinions. Society’s pressure closes the possibilities for us. We tend to gravitate towards what is normally acceptable. This happens because we doubt the success of our chosen field.

We know an entrepreneur is someone who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. Due to the high volatility of this field, many people will start talking behind your back, and won’t comment on your idea of entrepreneurship. If you believe you will be successful at this, you should continue following your path and disregard all the negativity. You are the creator of your future, and you have to work for it.

Are sports a suitable profession?

The aforementioned rule applies to people choosing sports as their primary profession. The main counterargument they receive is – what will happen if you get injured? This is the worst point-of-view anyone can give to a person who loves playing a sport.

The question should rather be, what will happen if you become the best player of all time? What happens when you break a state record?

It’s all about how you choose to approach the matter. A negative approach will garner negative outcomes and vice versa.

Be mindful of your company

Choose your circle carefully. If they have no regard for your dreams and passions, it’s not for you to stay there. Search for those that respect your ambitions and who can contribute to your growth.

Be mindful of the advice people give you. They speak of their experiences, but you are the writer of your own story – a successful one indeed. You don’t need dictation from others, who have nothing more than copy-paste examples of failures to offer to you.
Even your closest companions do this unintentionally. Choose to distance from them, or their negativity will cost you to give up on your dreams sooner than later.

Respond to your inner calling

Your inner calling is what you love to do, what makes you happy and what gives you utmost peace. It’s not about the money or the fame, but what satisfies your heart and soul. Most of the time, we know what our inner calling is, but we subside to societal pressure and push our passions and ambitions somewhere we can’t see or feel them anymore.

This is the worst we can do for our sanity. It’s also the reason why highly successful people aren’t happy with their lives. They have achieved the heights of success in their professional lives while not loving a bit of what they were doing. They succumbed to peer pressure, parents’ expectations or ran after the lucrative benefits the job offered.

What happened as a result? They attained worldly charms, but their heart remained empty.

After all that is said, we can safely conclude that loving your job is the highest achievement in your professional career. Don’t measure it with accolades and awards. Your peace and satisfaction are what count in the end. You can do all the best things in the world, but if you don’t love them, they are meaningless.

Final word
When contemplating your future career, ask yourself, is this really what you want to do? Is this where you see yourself – happy and contented?

If the answer is YES, then there you go, you are already successful. Each day, when you wake up, you will feel energized, enthusiastic and recharged to move through the day. Your day will be filled with positive emotions, and gradually, you will be better at all things you do.

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